Methodological Framework for Case Studies

11 Oct 2021


D3.1 sets out the methodological framework for the case studies, building on the general framework provided in the conceptual framework (Task 1.3). The guidelines provide a flexible resource that is structured but not prescriptive, providing partners with a range of options to reflect their circumstances and preferences. The guidelines should be used by research teams as part of a cyclical, iterative, participatory process. They are structured as follows. They start by introducing key concepts that inform WP3’s approach to knowledge creation (epistemology), especially ‘Living Labs’ and ‘Communities of Practice’. A methodological framework to implement Living Labs and Communities of Practice in ROBUST is then outlined, including monitoring and evaluation of learning processes. Templates for the Living Lab and Communities of Practice research and innovation plans and for reporting (for the place-based and thematic case studies) are then presented to guide the research project and write up of results. A case study toolbox of different methods that can be used to foster joint learning between researchers and practitioners is presented at the end of the document and forms a key component of the guidelines (as a resource for co-learning and co-innovation).

Author: Damian Maye, Dan Keech, Matt Reed

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ROBUST is a European research project involving 24 partners from 11 countries. ROBUST receives funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 727988.

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