ROBUST [Virtual] Final Conference
Tue 21 Sep 2021 to Wed 22 Sep 2021
Online (Zoom)
The ROBUST project held its Final Conference online on 21 and 22 September 2021. The event focused on wrapping up the project’s activities and presenting its key findings, takeaways and outlooks on the future of rural-urban governance in Europe. You can view and download the conference presentations, illustrations, and recordings below.

Welcome and Introduction
Allison Wildman (ICLEI Europe) opens the ROBUST [virtual] Final Conference with a brief overview of the agenda for the two day event.
ROBUST Project Coordinator, Prof. Han Wiskerke (Wageningen University), welcomes the conference participants and reflects on the ROBUST project landscape horizon – from proposal conception to today – a seven-year effort.
Keynote: Rural-Urban in the EU’s Long-Term Vision for Rural Areas
Alexia Rouby gave the first keynote presentation entitled “Rural-Urban in the EC’s Long Term Vision for Rural Areas” that illustrated how ROBUST informed the European rural policymaking agenda. Ms. Rouby is a Research Programme Officer, DG for Agriculture and Rural Development (DG-AGRI) with the European Commission who works on innovations to improve rural well-being and resilience, collective and territorial approaches (especially living labs), urban farming, and developing a large-scale initiative to accelerate the transition to agroecology.
- Download the Presentation: Rural-Urban in the EU’s Long-Term Vision for Rural Areas, Alexia Rouby
- Download the Illustration: Rural-Urban in the EU’s Long-Term Vision for Rural Areas
Session 1: Unlocking Rural Synergies
What is There to Unlock and Synergize?
Prof. Han Wiskerke (Wageningen University) brings together experts from the ROBUST project – Damian Maye (CCRI), Hilkka Vihinen (LUKE), and Vincent O’Connell (PURPLE) – to discuss the main findings and lessons learned from the empirical work that was carried out in the project, and what this means for governing rural-urban relations and for rural and territorial policies.
Session 2: Living Labs in ROBUST
Innovations, Outcomes, Challenges
In Session 2, Daniel Keech (University of Gloucestershire, CCRI) will moderate the experiences from four of the 13 ROBUST Living Labs: rural Mid Wales, the metropolitan region of Styria, the metropolitan capital region of Lisbon, and the Province of Lucca. This cluster represents the geographic, demographic, and political diversity in the ROBUST project. Michael Woods (Aberystwyth University), Kerstin Hausegger-Nestelberger (Regional Management Agency of the Metropolitan Area of Styria), Carlos Pina (Lisbon Regional Coordination and Development Commission (CCDR-LVT)), and Sabrina Arcuri (University of Pisa) share practical reflections on their intended Living Lab innovations and the challenges experienced in pursuing their goals.
- Download the Presentation: Living Labs in ROBUST, Daniel Keech
- Download the Illustration: Lessons Learned from the ROBUST Living Labs
Session 3: More Than Just Money
Wellbeing Approaches for Thriving Regions
Prof. Bettina Bock is Professor for Inclusive Rural Development at the Rural Sociology Chairgroup at Wageningen University and a Professor for Population Decline and Quality of Life at Groningen University. Her areas of research include rural-urban relations, rural development and regional policies, civic participation and social innovation, with a particular focus on remote and depopulating rural areas. In this session, she brings together international experts Marc Hameleers (Regions Portfolio of the Dutch Ministry for Agriculture, Nature and Food Quality), Ellen van Selm (Mayor, Opsterland, Netherlands), Rosemarie Harris (Powys County Councillor, Wales) and Stephan Bartke (German Environment Agency) to discuss regional approaches to wellbeing.
- Download the Presentation: More Than Just Money: Wellbeing Approaches for Thriving Regions, Bettina Bock
- Download the Illustration: More Than Just Money: Wellbeing Approaches for Thriving Regions
Keynote: Back to the Future – Re-engaging to Build New Relationships
Tom Jones shares his vision towards a holistic strategy on sustainable, equitable rural/urban development in the second keynote presentation. Mr. Jones is the President of the European Rural Community Alliance, as well as a farmer and rural activist in Wales UK. Mr. Jones is a former member of the European Economic and Social Committee EESC, where he was their rural expert.
- Presentation: Back to the Future – Re-engaging to Build New Relationships, Tom Jones
- Illustration: Back to the Future – Re-engaging to Build New Relationships
Outside Impressions
The ROBUST Final Conference was visually documented by Graphic Recorder, Paolo Masiero (Housatonic). All of the session renderings can be viewed and downloaded here:
- Introduction: Reflecitng on 4.5 Years of Work on ROBUST
- Keynote: Rural-Urban in the EU’s Long-Term Vision for Rural Areas
- Unlocking Rural-Urban Synergies – What is there to unlock and synergize?
- Lessons Learned from the ROBUST Living Labs
- More Than Just Money: Wellbeing Approaches for Thriving Regions
- Keynote: Back to the Future – Re-engaging to Build New Relationships