Cultural Connections COP Synthesis Report

30 Nov 2021


One way to strengthen synergies between rural and urban areas is by looking at the role of cultural connections. While it can be challenging to develop a concise operational definition of culture, it matters in our lives and localities, and plays an important role in bringing people and places together. Culture is a broad concept with several meanings and permeates different aspects of our lives.

Likewise, cultural connections between urban and rural areas can come in many different forms and reflect different strategies for facilitating the flow of goods, knowledge, and people. This report synthesizes the work of ROBUST's Cultural Connection Community of Practice.

Author: Emils Kilis and Talis Tisenkopfs

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ROBUST is a European research project involving 24 partners from 11 countries. ROBUST receives funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 727988.

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