Cross-Sectoral Interactions and Synergies Synthesis Report
30 Nov 2021
The synthesis report of Work Package 4 addresses key drivers of cross-sectoral interactions and rural-urban linkages. This integrates results from different sources: i) case studies (Living Labs and Communities of Prac-tice) (Task 4.1), ii) regional workshops (Task 4.3) and iii) thematic workshops (Task 4.2). The different ap-proaches to cross-sectoral interactions provide new insight on how they unfold according to specific charac-teristics of rural-urban areas, specific nature of sectors and different place-based initiatives. Moreover, broader areas of cross-sectoral interactions are also identified as a basis for promoting rural-urban synergies in different contexts. These analyses make it possible to identify key patterns of cross-sectoral interactions, factors influencing these interactions, substantive and structuring practices as well as implications for smart growth and rural-urban well-being.