Transitioning towards a Sustainable Wellbeing Economy—Implications for Rural–Urban Relations

17 May 2021


This article focuses on the question of how a shift from a narrow economic perspective to a wider sustainable wellbeing focus in regional development strategies and actions might change rural–urban relations… The focus of the analysis is on different expressions of a sustainable wellbeing economy, and aspects of territorial development that are consistent with the basic features of a wellbeing economy are identified. Development dynamics and tensions between different development goals and resource uses, strategies and actions that are in favor of sustainable wellbeing goals,  and conditions for more mutually beneficial rural–urban relationships are discussed. The article concludes with the implications for local government, and governance and policy frameworks.

Authors: Karlheinz Knickel, Alexandra Almeida, Francesca Galli, Kerstin Hausegger-Nestelberger,Bryonny Goodwin-Hawkins, Mojca Hrabar, Daniel Keech, Marina Knickel, Olli Lehtonen, Damian Maye, Irune Ruiz-Martinez, Sandra Š ̄umane, Hans Vulto, and Johannes S. C. Wiskerke

Author: Knickel, K.; Almeida, A.;Galli, F.; Hausegger-Nestelberger, K.;Goodwin-Hawkins, B.; Hrabar, M.;Keech, D.; Knickel, M.; Lehtonen, O.;Maye, D.; et al.

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