Explore the Publication Library to learn more about the work produced by the ROBUST project. You can search for publications by keywords, date, name of publication, type of publication, Community of Practice (theme), and/or Living Lab (place).  

151 – 160 out of 180 results.
Publication Type Date Download
Final Conference Illustration – Living Labs Lessons
23 Sep 2021 PDF icon Final Conference_Day1_4_living_labs.pdf
Final Conference Illustration – Introduction
23 Sep 2021 PDF icon Final Conference_Day1_1_Introduction.pdf
Final Conference Illustration – Back to the Future
23 Sep 2021 PDF icon Final Conference_Day2_2_keynote.pdf
Final Conference Illustration – Alexia Rouby Keynote
23 Sep 2021 PDF icon Final Conference_Day1_2_long_term_vision.pdf
Expressions of Urban – Peri-Urban – Rural Relationships: Valencia
Rapid Appraisal
30 Nov 2018 PDF icon S-VAL1 Pactos y Acuerdos Territoriales por el Empleo (PATE).pdfPDF icon S-VAL2 Agency for the promotion of commercial innovation (AFIC).pdfPDF icon S-VAL3 Punt de Sabor (Flavour Point).pdfPDF icon S-VAL4 INVATTUR Institute – Valencian Institute of Tourism Technologies.pdf
Expressions of Urban – Peri-Urban – Rural Relationships: Tukums
Rapid Appraisal
26 Nov 2018 PDF icon S-TUK1 Coordination of cultural events in Tukums municipality.pdfPDF icon S-TUK2 E-Services in Tukums municipality.pdfPDF icon S-TUK3 Tukums Food Market.pdfPDF icon S-TUK4 New Tourism in Tukums.pdf
Expressions of Urban – Peri-Urban – Rural Relationships: Mid Wales
Rapid Appraisal
20 Nov 2018 PDF icon S-MWA1 Mynyddoedd Cambrian Mountains Initiative.pdfPDF icon S-MWA2 Biosffer Dyfi Biosphere.pdfPDF icon S-MWA3 Mid Wales Healthcare Collaborative.pdfPDF icon S-MWA4 Aberystwyth Innovation and Enterprise Campus (AIEC).pdf
Expressions of Urban – Peri-Urban – Rural Relationships: Metropolitan Region of Styria
Rapid Appraisal
19 Nov 2018 PDF icon S-GRA1 RURBANCE Project.pdfPDF icon S-GRA2 Analysing Regional Mobility.pdfPDF icon S-GRA3 Regional Employment Pact.pdfPDF icon S-GRA4 Culture 24.pdf
Expressions of Urban – Peri-Urban – Rural Relationships: Lucca
Rapid Appraisal
20 Nov 2018 PDF icon S-LUC1 Food System Mapping.pdfPDF icon S-LUC2 Soil consumption, role of open spaces in peri-urban areas and ecosystem services.pdfPDF icon S-LUC3 Coltiviamo la città – Cultivate the City .pdfPDF icon S-LUC4 Orto in Condotta – Gardens in Schools.pdf
Expressions of Urban – Peri-Urban – Rural Relationships: Ljubljana
Rapid Appraisal
27 Nov 2018 PDF icon S-LJU1 Ljubljana Food Market.pdfPDF icon S-LJU2 Jarina – a Cooperative for Rural Development.pdfPDF icon S-LJU3 School Eco Gardens.pdfPDF icon S-LJU4 The Goodies Trail.pdf



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