Expressions of Urban – Peri-Urban – Rural Relationships: Valencia

30 Nov 2018

Rapid Appraisal

Expressions of Urban – Peri-Urban – Rural Relationships (“Snapshots”) are succinct reviews of previous projects, studies and data about what is already known about the relationship between urban, peri-urban and rural areas in the regional Living Lab. The Snapshot focuses on the factors that limit/enable beneficial relationships and highlight inspiring examples of rural-urban synergies. The aim of the Snapshot is to provide a better understanding of the needs, availability and comparability of data across the Living Labs.

  • Pactos y Acuerdos Territoriales por el Empleo (PATE)
  • Agency for the promotion of commercial innovation (AFIC)
  • Punt de Sabor (Flavour Point)
  • INVATTUR – Valencian Institute of Tourism Technologies

Photo: Punt de Sabor

Author: Javier Esparcia, Juan Ramón Gallego, Sergio Mensua, Rafael Mesa Manzano

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