Development of a Cycle Path Network in the Ljubljana Urban Region

9 Apr 2021

Case Study

The municipalities that comprise Ljubljana Urban Region started planning for improved, multimodal mobility in the early 2000s. The prospect of EU funding, particularly ERDF, helped the authorities to focus and plan improvements on a regional level through the preparation of the Regional Development Plans 2004‐2006, 2007‐2013, 2014‐2020 and continues to this day. A series of projects was implemented on the basis of the long‐term vision of establishing a network of cycle paths in the region that would connect to the public transport network and to the national cycle path network and that would serve for both commuting and recreation. The new cycle path network now connects urban areas, dominated by Ljubljana with its extensive cycle paths within the city, with the rural areas and the smaller, rural municipalities in the periphery. It enables both commuting (predominantly from rural to urban areas) and recreation (predominantly from urban to rural areas).

Author: Mojca Hrabar, Jurij Kobal

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